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Piano Lessons in Cardiff

Piano Lessons in Cardiff

Learning the piano is a fun and exciting new thing for any child or adult. If you are living in Cardiff and want piano lessons, please consider the great teacher, Matthew Clayton. He is a wonderful piano teacher who is friendly and knowledgeable about all aspects of piano playing.

To sign of for piano lessons please contact Matthew on 07967 836011 

Matthew teaches piano from home in Cyncoed, Cardiff. He has been giving piano lessons in Cardiff for nearly 10 years and has enjoyed putting over 120 pupils through their ABRSM  piano grades. He currently holds a great record of a pass for every pupil that he ever entered.

Matthew graduated in Music from Cardiff University in 2009. Since then, he has gone on to establish one of the best piano teaching practices in Cardiff. Learning the piano can be difficult, though Matthew is very encouraging and he gets on with his pupils very well.

Lesson fees

£13.50 for 30 mins

£25 for 60 mins

Most beginners start with a 30 minute piano lesson, however, very young learners often find 20 minutes is enough. The full hour is given to adult beginners or those who are taking the advance grades on the piano.

Why learn the piano?

There are many benefits in learning a new instrument. It is a great hobby for youngsters and it teaches them a lot about hard work and setting goals. Learning a difficult discipline in todays society can only be a wonderful things. Adults also get a lot of enjoyment at learning something new later on in life. As Matthew often tells people “it is never too late to learn how to play the piano”.

Matthew gives piano lessons to those who in Llandaff, Heath, Whitchurch, Pontprennau, Pentwyn and Thornhill. Many come for piano lessons from all over Cardiff.

Matthew teaches one to one. He believes the ultimate progress is only reached with individual one to one lessons.


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